Other Cities

Is Nate Appleman the Next David Chang or Mario Batali?

Photo: Getty Images

One of the things we’re looking forward to now that Grub Street has tentacles in other cities is hearing more from non–New York chefs (specifically about whether they plan to come to New York!). Luckily, Grub Street San Francisco has interviewed one of the chefs we’re most curious about: Nate Appleman, a James Beard Rising Star and Food & Wine Best New Chef. Being a master of Italian (a young Batali, one might say), Appleman has plenty to say about the comfort-food trend, but his most interesting comments are about offal, and whether New Yorkers would order, say, heart as abundantly as his customers in San Fran. When asked whether he’s thinking about opening a place here (he is), he wonders whether our markets could offer him the abundance of ingredients he’s used to: After all, he says, “North California has the best ingredients and the best farmers.” Make sure to have a read.

Nate Appleman on Meatballs, Foam, and Why San Francisco Isn’t New York [Grub Street SF]

Is Nate Appleman the Next David Chang or Mario Batali?