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Red Mango Adds ‘Friendly Bacteria’ to Its Fro-Yo

Photo: Courtesy of Red Mango

Red Mango has announced it will add a probiotic with an unappetizing name, GanedenBC30™, to its fro-yo by September. A FAQ about the “friendly bacteria” tells us it consists of live microorganisms that produces spores in your intestinal tract (apparently a good thing), messes with your serotonin levels (also a good thing!), and so on and so on. One thing it’s unlikely to do: make the stuff taste any better. A line of probiotic iced teas will also launch next week: Flavors include Lemonocity™ (lemonade green tea), Mysteaque™ (vanilla black tea), and Fanteasia™ (wildberry-hibiscus tea).

Red Mango Adds ‘Friendly Bacteria’ to Its Fro-Yo