Food Politics

Curtis Sliwa’s Disgusting Salt Protest

Noted New York loudmouth Curtis Sliwa took one for the high-blood-pressure team last night to protest Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s voluntary salt initiative. “You’re gonna have to pry this salt out of my cold, dead hand,” said Sliwa, clutching a container of Morton’s on NY1’s Inside City Hall. “You know how you guys do it,” he continued, pouring some salt on his fist as though prepping for a tequila shot. “What ‘guys’? I’m not Mexican,” sputtered regular foil Gerson Borrero of El Diario. The salt segment starts at about 09:10 in the video clip — be sure to watch Sliwa with a mouthful of sodium chloride. [NY1]

Curtis Sliwa’s Disgusting Salt Protest