Tough Cookie

Just in Case You Thought Martha Was Going Soft, She’s Not

Work before play, people.
Work before play, people. Photo: Fernando Leon/Getty Images

Last night at a book party celebrating Charlotte Beers’s I’d Rather Be In Charge, hosted by Kathy and Billy Rayner, Grub Street had the chance to catch up with Martha Stewart on the subject of, well, being in charge. And Madonna’s hooker boots. But okay, she doesn’t call them that.

The author talks about the importance of relationships, how they are as important if not more important than the work sometimes. Agree?
Um, relationships are important and I think you have to have relationships while you’re doing business, but work is also very important.

Is there a risk you’ve taken or maybe one you didn’t take that you regretted not taking?

Do you still think it’s a challenge for women in the workplace?
Yes. Look at The Wall Street Journal. When do they write a story about a woman? Rarely. Look at corporations. How many of them are run by women? Hardly any. The last number I heard was 13 percent, but I think it’s less than that.

Speaking of timeliness, Madonna got a lot of praise for the halftime show; she also got a lot of criticism for being a woman over 50. What do you think?
I think she did a phenomenal job. I just wish she had worn lower shoes, like the rest of her dancers. I know how hard it is to walk in those shoes.

Just in Case You Thought Martha Was Going Soft, She’s Not