
Pink Slime, Revisited

Smear campaign?
Smear campaign? Photo: aMichiganMom/Flickr

Just when you thought it was safe to stop talking about pink slime, Slate reminds you it’s not over, not by a long shot: Producer Beef Products Inc. last month filed a defamation claim against ABC over the network’s relentless repetition of the nasty-sounding phrase “pink slime” 137 times in its broadcasts, when “boneless lean beef trimmings” or “lean finely textured beef” — terms used by manufacturers — would have done just fine. “When Defendants called [lean finely textured beef] ‘pink slime,’ consumers understood that Defendants were indicating that LFTB was a noxious, repulsive, and filthy fluid,” contends the claim. “The ABC Defendants’ description of LFTB as ‘pink slime’ and ‘Play-Doh’ was knowingly false.” Interestingly, some think the lawsuit has merit. [Slate, Earlier]

Pink Slime, Revisited