No Solids

‘Soylent Green’ Now a Real Miracle Diet That Involves No Actual Eating

Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!
Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Photo: Courtesy Rob Rhineheart

Why buy the cow when you can subsist on a, uh, blender-friendly cocktail of freeze-dried vitamins and salt that looks a lot like horchata stank but costs significantly less money? Those who seek the answer to this question should check out the nutritional schematic devised by 24-year-old software engineer Rob Rhinehart, who eschews solid food in favor of this spiffy concoction he’s decided to call Soylent Green, which is funny. Sure, Rob poops a lot less now, but whatevs — the guy is healthy (so far) and is now even spending 61 percent less on groceries! “Right now I only eat one or two conventional meals a week,” he says, “but if I had any money or a girlfriend I would probably eat out more often.” [Vice]

‘Soylent Green’ Now a Real Miracle Diet That Involves No Actual