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Watch This Man Dressed Like a Coffee Shop Chair Freak Out a Lot of People

This short video (via Reddit) is currently going all kinds of viral, perhaps in part because there’s nothing funner than the experience of going to your local coffee shop to settle down with your steaming hot cup of java on a comfy chair only to discover its cushions are actually some weird guy decked out in an entire outfit made of upholstery and padding. (Take that, guy who likes to dress as his car seat and prank fast-food-restaurant workers! And you too, Peeta disguised as a rock!) Check it out, straight ahead, and kudos to the lady who hugs the chair-man right after he’s scared her out of her mind. She teaches us all that creepy street magicians who dress like chair cushions and lurk around coffee shops really just need some love, too.

Watch This Man Dressed Like a Coffee Shop Chair Freak Out a Lot of People